At the moment we have quite a lot of media:
We are visiting schools, cleaning beaches and repairing our rudder. After the impact with the "floating container" in 2004 between Easter Isalnd and Patagonia we have had the first repairs in Valdivia and hope to finish the job now here in Papetee.
Here some pictures:
So with all that work we are sometimes really tired:
But fortunetelly we have Salina. She has the gift to make us laugh...
... and near our anchorage is just the biggest dance and singing contest of Polynesia. So we have always good sound...
Karin & Bill from Australia joined us for a week to test the rudder and they became TOPtoTOP members. We are looking forward to see Karin & Bill in Australia again!
Salina and Sabine are happy that the rudder is working without force:
Salina eats a lot and gets bigger and bigger:
Anchoring in front of Morea
Hello, here is Salina once more calling!
We are getting ready to sail to the islands of Tuamotu. So my job is to clean the fridge so that we can store food. I also make conserves out of vegetables. This is important especially for pregnant Mami, because in those atolls fresh vegetables are hardly to find.
You see, a lot of work for a little girl. But I have still
time for a drink and enjoy my friends.
The last weeks the kids have had holidays here, but Papi could not stop teaching. You see him here with two of my friends Mariska and Rochelle on Pachamama. In that case I am his supervisor.
Not only I am working, also my father and my mother.
Mami went at 5 a.m. helping out as a nurse together with Jean Philippe. They visited the sick people at home (SPITEX)! The main problem is diabetics and his complications. Sins the westerly people arrive here the population of Tahiti changed there habitudes and don’t eat healthy anymore. It is quite sad! They prefer french baguettes with a loot of butter than the breadfruit witch is growing everywhere.
Papi was working the last weeks as a tiller. His skiing friend Georgy has a nice house with a swimming pool. During Papi was working on the roof, Mami was teaching me how to swim.
In the free time we normally go hiking, so that I am quite tired when we come back to the boat.
The sailors here in Taravao are a little community from all over the world. Here you see us all invited for dinner on the boat "Columniation" and here at Christine’s family, a local teacher. There is always an invitation. Like this we have the opportunity to enjoy the food from different countries and introduce them to Swiss "haute cuisine": Roesti and Fondue with Jodel in the background :-)