July 2, 2012

More actions during Rio20+

2012-06_rio_presentations04.JPGTOPtoTOP at Associacao Saude Crianca

The mission of "Saude Crianca" is to provide holistic assistance to children and their families who live below the poverty line. - Our workshop and presentation with these slum children was organized by Adriana Mussi (SGS Rio de Janeiro). Please learn more and donate to this great project!

Adriana from SGS was also able to bring us in contact with Instituto Fernanda Keller. Fernenda Keller is the best triathlet from Brazil and won the "Hawaii Iron Man". She founded that institute to support 500 children and give them a chance to escape poverty. Many thanks to the Brazilian army for putting up a big tent, where we were able to fit all children and do our TOPtoTOP presentation. We are looking forward to meet all these wonderful children again, when they come to visit the TOPtoTOP expedition boat "Pachamama"!

2012-06_rio_presentations05.JPGBack in the Swiss School of Rio de Janeiro; Sabine's session for the small students

2012-06_rio_presentations06.JPGjob sharing: Sabine for the small students - Dario for the older ones

2012-06_rio_presentations02.jpgOfficial announcement of Rene Estermann, myclimate regarding the partnership between myclimate and TOPtoTOP

2012-06_rio_presentations03.jpgMany thanks to the Commodore and Gisele from the Yacht Club of Rio de Janeiro to organize the event

2012-06_rio_presentations01.jpgHope to see you at our last public presentation in Brazil, when we are back in Rio to say goodbye and continue to sail towards the Arctic. The presentation will be on the 22nd of August at 19.30 h at the Yacht Club of Rio de Janeiro.

Posted by dario at 5:46 PM

July 3, 2012

Rio20+ - TOPtoTOP media coverage

TV Brasil positiva - 28.04.JPGHere some TV reports and articles we were able to pick up:

- Basler Zeitung: kolumne 27_12.doc

O Globo 24 04 12.jpg

- TV Brasil - interview in april 28th

- TV Band - interview in june 15th

- TV Globo and O Globo ciencia positiva - newspaper

Posted by dario at 7:47 PM

July 12, 2012

A school for the Tato! Rio Negro - Amazon


Sabine and I were investigating how we can sail up the Amazon River avoiding the pirates at the entrance near Belem. We really liked to visit also some schools in the Amazon. On the other hand we did not like the idea to meet pirates. Reports about attacks made us careful where to sail and where to anchor. Read the pirate report from Salvador and from Parati, where we are at the moment.

2012-06_amazon-rio-negro_01.JPGTuareg sun protection on the Rio Negro

Here the solution: Our friend Raimundo invited us just after the conference in Rio to join him to Manaus and further on the Rio Negro in the Amazon. We accepted his generous invitation and experienced the Amazon with our guide and friend Raimundo.


The Amazon experienced the biggest flooding in the last 100 years. On the picture you see the tree tops looking out of the Rio Negro.


People living on floating homes have no problem with the flooding. Even the schools are floating. We visited the "Escuola Municipal Sao Joao Lago do Tupe":

2012-06_amazon-rio-negro_02.JPG Salina's new friends


Alegra likes more to watch than to drink. Even at night we see a lot of animals and even snakes.


People living on the islands were much more affected by the flooding. During the floods fishing is difficult.


Here in the Tato community we like to help building a school. The community counts 80 people in 26 families. 30 children like to go to school. Together with the chief of the community Rita Amigos (rita_amigos38 (at)hotmail.com.br) we went from family to family and visited the location where they like to build the school. They have enough skilled people. Rita and her friend can write and read and would volunteer to act as teachers. But the material to build the school is missing. Our plan is to rise about US 10'000.- for the material. The first fund rising event will be at the 22nd of August at 19.30h at the Yacht Club of Rio.
Back in Manaus I had a meeting with Gerson Aoki (gerson(at)avanplas.com.br) from the Rotary Club in Manaus. He confirmed to help with organizing the official permits we need to build the school.


We had to say goodbye to our Tato friends to go even deeper into the forest. Amanda (on the left) followed us a little while in her kanu.


Our experience with the indigenous people at the Rio Negro was great.

2012-06_amazon-rio-negro_36.JPGSome tribes are well organized and also some schools.


We learned to fish Piranhas!


We had to say goodbye to this wonderful people and Salina got a gift. Now she is a real princess!


We made it back through the Jungle; - happy as a family and happy that we have Raimundo as our friend. Thanks you so much Raimundo!


Looking at our children it seemed they learned a lot on this excursion. They seem to respect and specially understand that tolerance and an open heart guides you safely even far up the Amazon...


Back on Pachamama and in the civilization... but these experiences are forever...experiences changing and transforming your live in a positive sense...more valuable than gold... not even pirates can steal them...the Amazon and its people became part of us, -always...thank you again Raimundo!


Posted by dario at 8:11 PM