Because of the TOPtoTOP success at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, the Swiss Government asks us to attend again at the World Expo in Yeosu, Korea. Special thanks to Peter and Domenico (left), - the dream team at the Swiss Pavilion and all who did not hesitate to join me for a short climb to a TOP early mornings, before the expo opened.
Kids with the TOPtoTOP flag at the end of Dario's presentation, World Expo 2012.
World Expo 2012 main street
TOPtoTOP presentations "water is life" at the World Expo in Yeosu Korea, Swiss Pavilion.
14 000 year old ice core from the Gorner Glacier near Zermatt in the Swiss Pavilion
filtering water for your health and less pollution and cost
A signal for the World: solar energy at the Expo.
Sabine sailed with our 4 kids the first time alone, while Dario went to Korea to give presentations about water.
Before Dario's absent we had Swiss teacher Martina with her husband Simon and 10 month old Salome on board. During Dario's absent, Sabine had a visit from her family. Thank you all for your great support and sharing time with us.
On the way back from Korea to Brazil, Dario stopped in Switzerland for some meetings regarding the next TOPtoTOP Climate Solution award expedition. Here a great example at the renewable energy center in Savognin, - the starting point for the next awarded students. Switzerland is still the champion in renewable energies, here another example of Vandy's house in Mels that was transformed "solar".
Nona = 100 = oldest TOPtoTOP member
He has had also the opportunity to meet with TOPtoTOP members in Switzerland and attend at his grandmothers 100 birthday and see family and friends in his loved Swiss mountains:
High up in the Swiss Alps Riccardo is producing the best cheese I ever have eaten on Alp Guen.
Come to our next big event at the ICRJ on the 22nd of August; read more on page 46!
Join the International Youth Contact List - an outcome of Rio20+.
All and more pictures of this report, click here!
More pictures from the World Expo in Yeosu here and !
Many thanks to Luziano from the wonderful and very hospital Marina 188 in Paraty! This marina welcomes cruising sailboats and was our base camp to do our project in the area.
While Dario was busy at the World Expo in Korea, Sabine had a visit from Rosi and Ernst.
Sabine producing drinking water for the kids. Water was the main topic of Dario's presentations.
Family reunited on Pico Azzugar, Marangua.
School holidays were over in Southern Brazil and we started again visiting schools:
School of Sitio Forte, Ilha Grande, Brazil together with solar pioneer Juerg and Silvia.
Sabine in the School of Saco do Ceu, where the kids broke a record in cleaning the small village:
In Abrou on Ilha Grande we celebrated Noe's 3rd birthday on the 15.08.2012 at Andre's beautiful place Asalem. There we picked up also Christina our new crew and teacher. Yesterday we did our last clean up in Palmas on Ilha Grande and now just arrived in Rio to get the US visa issued after sruggeling against the wind...hope to be further N soon...