June 9, 2015

Dario ruptured Achilles tendon

Dario rupture his left Achilles tendon playing soccer in a parc in San Diego on Sunday. Thanks to Steven, Toni, Amy, Bart, Rosi, Ernst, Christoph, Lindsey, Ray and Cindy, Sabine was able to manage the situation.
The European Travel Insurance coordinated the transport back to Switzerland for the whole family. The journey went smooth.
Dario gets operated in Switzerland today Wednesday by Lukas Weisskopf of the Altius Clinic in Rheinfelden Switzerland. Dario's phone: +41 61 835 69 16. Come and visit him at the GZF Fricktal hospital.

Posted by dario at 6:41 PM

June 17, 2015

2nd surgery needed -> NWP

Note: Reports of school visits and activities in Southern California coming soon.

Dario's condition

The operation of Doctor Lukas Weisskopf on the Achilles tendon was just perfect: See ruptured tendon and fixed tendon.

Complications start after surgery in the hospital of Fricktal, where Dario was treated afterwards. The too tight bandage caused a lot of pain and probably bad circulation. Unfortunately it was not removed before the next day. Areas of the wound became first black and are now dead, therefore Dario was transferred to the University Hospital Basel yesterday. Dario will be operated again tomorrow Thursday by Doctor Dirk Schaefer. The idea is to cut out the death material and do skin transplantation. Dario can be reached at +41 (0) 61 265 63 64. You are welcome to visit him in room 1724 at the University Hospital in Basel, where he will be treated for the next 2 weeks+.

We canceled sailing through the NWP (Arctic) for this summer, because of:

- Sailing NW from San Diego to the Aleutians might be difficult with El Nino 2015.

El Nino advisory combined with early start of the cyclone season. There were already 2 cyclones W of Baja California begin of June. Sailing NW from San Diego to the Aleutians might be difficult. In the first leg we would have to watch the cyclone tracks, higher N we may encounter contrary winds. In an El Nino Year the normal stationary High pressure system in the North Pacific resulting in clockwise winds can be replaced by a Low pressure system with anticlockwise winds.

- Polar vortex last winter

The polar vortex caused very cold conditions in Eastern Canada. This may result in a late opening of the E-part of the NWP. This was confirmed by folks in Cambridge Bay reporting a cold and long winter. See ice conditions now: W part of NWP - E part of NWP

- Crew not fit and time to replace front sails.
See above Dario's condition; Meret did not get the visa in time. Plan to replace front sails in the meantime.

Outlook for 2015/2016
We continue visiting schools in Switzerland, the USA and later in Mexico, means approaching the Northwest Passage in 2016.

Note:Folks who like to join and be part of the road-show to schools in California with Stromer E-bikes after summer holidays please get in contact with Dario.

Posted by dario at 4:08 PM

June 21, 2015

All hope in the 3rd surgery

Torgan from San Diego wrote: "They say that "three is the charm."

Dario will be operated again next Wednesday by Doctor Dirk Schaefer. The idea is to transplantat skin, tendons - and blood vessel material from his arm.

Dario can be reached at +41 (0) 61 265 63 64. You are welcome to visit him in room 1724 at the University Hospital in Basel, where he will be treated for the next 2 weeks+.

Posted by dario at 6:49 PM

June 28, 2015

Important days

3rd surgery went well, ....but now it is really hard on us: a part of the transplantation might get black again...so please pray as hard as you can that it goes back to normal.
See pics

Posted by dario at 10:06 PM