May 3, 2005

Salina's day

I am Salina from Switzerland at the moment in Patagonia and the yougest TOPtoTOP-member. At night I study books and play the flute and sleep in the morning. So my parents have always a hard time to make me ready for school.

First in the morning we have had two classes of more than 40 students at the Liceo Rector Armando Robles Rivera, before I have my first photo shoutting at the “registro civil”.

By the way, I am not afraid of rats! In the supermarket all girls were screaming when we were shopping more “Pampers”, only because Mami & Papi have difficulties washing all my nappies to catch up with me. - A rat was jumping around in the shelves for bred; - I took it easy!

I like my Papi paying my bills, - it makes so much fun. Here you see him paying the fees for my doctor Luisa and my midwife Adriana. Good girls; you made a perfect job! … but my Mami is still the best!

Fortunately my friend at the hospital “Clinica Alemana” was the director himself and I was able to stay for free. - Nevertheless, we run out of money!

So Papi went 2 days working: He explained 15 scientists of the Centro Educativo Sientifico Valdivia first in theory, than on the volcano Mocho the technique to rescue somebody out of a crevasse. On the other hand the scientists helped my parents a lot with good satellite images of Antarctica to plan our next leg in a few months. I am very keen to sail South and to collaborate with the organisation Ballena Azul and help to safe the biggest creature on earth, - they were already my friends between Galapagos, Easter Island and Patagonia!

Two days without Papi! So I was glad to see Papi again and to listen to his stories:
He told me that the scientist showed and told him some interesting climate facts: - material we can use tomorrow in the school “Prinzipe de Asturias”. Sad was the fact, that the glacier on volcano Mocho is retreating very fast and extensive logging will be the end for the beautiful native forest. – So when I will be a guide like my Papi, I will have a hard time to find some ice for a crevasse rescue course! Even on the peninsula of Antarctica 85% of the glaciers are retreating and there is nearly no place on our planet where global warming is so dramatic! - So may we will find some palm trees down there.
Serously, please act for the climate, so that I will be also able to descend from Mocho on a snowboard like my Papi!

After a day with lots of action I like a warm bath to relax and take a short sleep, before I start training my voice to become a pop star. - So dear fans, that are the news from my side. Thanks a lot for all your comments and emails! Some fans ask for my address, - here it is:

TOPtoTOP Expedition
SY Pachamama
c/o Alwoplast
casilla 114

I like Swiss fondue and Swiss chocolate - Mami's milk taste than so much better! ... and please money for Pampers, so that my parents can take it more easy!

Posted by dario at 9:31 PM | Comments (7)

May 23, 2005

Info TOPtoTOP-presentation

Dear school directors in Chile!

Los 3 SUIZOS presentan: TOPtoTOP Global Climate Expedition

un data show sobre una aventura del uniquo viaje de cima en cima e solutiones ambientales

objectivo: motivar por el deporte e la naturalezza con positivos solutiones

=> C1: por favor confirmar la fecha de visita de Sabine & Salina & Dario en ti collegio(s):
=> D1: bitte bestaetige das Datum fuer den Besuch von Sabine & Salina & Dario in Deiner Schule(n):
=> E1: please confirm the date for the visit of Sabine & Salina & Dario in your school(s):

Donde esta TOPtoTOP? / Wo ist TOPtoTOP? / Where is TOPtoTOP?
- 3.6.2005: Valdivia, Osorno
4.-8.6.2005: Huescapi, Villarica
9.6.2005: Temuco
10.-13.6.2005: Victoria
15.-22.6.2005: Vigna de Mar, Santiago

6.8.-13.8.2005: TOPtoTOP Camp por estudiantes (9 annos +) en Suiza

7.-10.9.2005: Vigna de Mar
11.-17.9.2005: collegios en el Norte de Chile
18.-20.9.2005: Los Andes
21.-24.9.2005: Santiago
25.-21.9.2005: Valdivia, X. Region
24.-28.10.2005: Puerto Montt
29.10.2005 - 15.2.2006: collegios en el Sur de Chile (Patagonia)

=> C2: por favor comunicar:
- que fecha e hora (necesitamos 2 x 45'), quantos estudiantes (20 - 200), edad (9 annos +)
- otras presentationes: universidad, publica, p.e. por clubo Suizo
=> D2: bitte teile uns mit:
- Zeit und Datum (brauchen 2 x 45'), Anzahl Schueler(20 - 200), Alter (9 Jahre +)
- weitere Presentationsmoeglichkeiten: oeffentliche Praesentationen, Universitaet, Schweizer Club
=> E2: please let us know:
- date and time (we need 2 x 45'), how many students (20 - 200), age (9 years +)
- other possibilities for a presentation: public presentation, university, Swiss Club

=> C3: si possible organizo p.f. los medios (TV, radio, perodista).
=> D3: bitte organisiere die Medien fuer den Event.
=> E3: please organize a journalist for the event.

Muchas gracias,
los tres Suizos,, phone 63 203 200, cellular 09 65 99 807

Posted by dario at 8:24 AM

Schools to Universities

NEW! Download this expedition report with all pictures as PDF (474 kb only): Download file

Please note: TOPtoTOP-presentation information for school directors in Chile in the last expedition report.


Hello, - back again!

I am Salina and I life with my Mami and Papi on the sailboat Pachamama.

Here the view out of our bedroom on Rio Valdivia in Patagonia. The climate is getting colder and colder and there is fresh snow on the volcanos. So I need warm clothing.

The water is freezing cold and our calorifier not working; - means taking a bath is tough! But my Papi told me that Eskimo babies are very healthy because they swim in ice water...
One thing is true after this torture: a warm towel afterwards feels like heaven. If the torture is too tough I have my own weapons: first warning and than - FIRE!

During the week we do presentations for primary schools.
There we write some confusing formulas about global climate change on the blackboard, so that the students come up with many interesting questions during the break. Very interesting for them is also the climate solutions we found during our expedition and especially those we collect in Switzerland during the start with Swiss TOPtoTOP in 2002 and 2003.

The result: 3 weeks old and I have had my first article in the newspaper Diario Austral, here the photo shooting in front of the school.

Now I am already 40 days old and old enough to join my father for presentations at universities. Here the most environmental friendly students and organizers of the TOPtoTOP-event at the Facoldat Ciencias Veterinarias Universidad Austral Valdivia.

Also at home on Pachamama I am very busy, because Mami & Papi need always my advise: - to do difficult repairs of the last storm, to cook the right menu or to write the expedition report.

After work I have my relax program: I dance from the stern to the bow or I paint some art or I listen to Papi’s singing.

Then the most important: FOOD! Mami’s milk is just perfect because Mami and Papi introduce, as often as possible Swiss Fondue to the Chileans and sailors, like to our funny pirate-neighbors Carla and Co from the Netherlands. Unfortunately our stock will be finished tonight!!!

Now you may understand that I am sometimes also a little bit tired!
Goodnight, Salina :-)

Posted by dario at 8:41 AM | Comments (1)